Selling short reports has been proven many times over to be one of the best ways to generate fast money online. The problem is that people create these short reports, set up a website and then have no idea how to get traffic to the site so they can make money.
Without traffic, you will make no money. Here are 3 ways you can promote your short report absolutely free.
Articles - Writing articles is a great way to get traffic to your site. I would recommend writing at least 100 articles if you really want to start making sales ASAP. It may seem like a lot, but trust me, once you see the sales coming in you won't want to stop writing. Submit your articles to GoArticles, IdeaMarketers, eHow, Bukisa and ArticlesBase. Those are just a few for you to submit to. There are many more. Do a simple Google search and you will find hundreds if not thousands of article directories.
Social Networking Sites - As you know twitter is all the rage these days. And for good reason. They get a ton of traffic everyday. Join twitter and start following people that interest you. They will then follow you back and before you know it you will have thousands of followers and as a result you will start getting traffic to your site. You can tweet about the different articles you write. People will click through and read your articles and if they like your article, they will visit your site. Twitter can get you a lot of traffic fast.
Press Releases - Press releases work really well. Press release sites get a ton of traffic so you could have thousands of people seeing your release. You have to be really creative with your press release so you can get maximum readership. Make sure your title is something intriguing and makes people want more. You can submit press releases to Prlog and Ideamarketers.
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